Friday, August 21, 2009

Microsoft tells WinMo devs they're beautiful, worth more than 99 cents

For many (if not most) iPhone developers, the App Store's overheated competition and bloated inventory have led to scorched-earth pricing that makes it virtually impossible to parlay mobile development into a valid for-profit business model without turning to subscriptions or in-app advertising. RIM's tried to nip that behavior in the bud by capping the minimum sale price at $2.99, and it sounds like Microsoft feels the same way in light of the flowery, motivational language being thrown the way of developers at learning sessions ahead of the Marketplace's launch. "I know, 99 cents is interesting -- yes, consumers like to pay 99 cents for applications," admits Microsoft's Loke Uei, "but 99 cents, come on, I think your app is worth more than that." You heard it straight from the horse's mouth, people -- your app is worth more than that. Ultimately, Uei says the goal is to set the bench higher by keeping low-quality apps out of the Marketplace, but to start out and beef up, they might consider taking all the crap they can get and worrying about stroking devs' egos after the fact. If the store's client app makes it easy enough to browse, search, and get to best-of-breed content, this point should be moot anyhow.

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